Goodbye-NO -> New step forward

Mihajel Kožuh
The Next Global Step
2 min readJul 3, 2022


Hello my leaders in the government, state institutions, world organizations. I look forward to see advancement towards common good on Earth. This is expected of any new government taking place in the national office, any representatives in world organizations.

Najevska lipa, Wikimedia Commons

Let me reference to a recent meeting at Najevska lipa and the words spoken there. Discussion was about the future of leadership and how leaders should act in the world. Reading this, it made me feel we are going in the right direction. I really have my hopes up and support such social advancements.

Additionally, many efforts are being done around the world, leading the way towards a better future for all living beings on this planet. One of the them being Sonja Klopčič’s movement AEIOU of Leadership, a gift from Slovenia to the world. These people already have an impact we expect from the governments as well. It is time.

Too many times good things made by certain groups of people are forgotten once the government changes. It does not need to be like this anymore. The whole world can follow Slovenia’s example. I believe Slovenia is brave enough to overcome the division and move forward united.

To support this change in our behaviour, let me take this opportunity and remind our government and citizens of Slovenia of some documents and ideas proposed in the area of further development of Slovenia, Europe, The World. It might be they do not need a reminder, but you never know. Let’s make sure, please see the list below:

Slovenia development strategy 2030 (PDF)

Vision of Slovenia 2050 (PDF)

Vision of Slovenia 2050 (video)

Slovenian landscape 2050 (PDF)

Longterm environment strategy Slovenia 2050 (PDF)

Slovenian smart specialization strategy (PDF)

Slovenian political coalition agreement 2022–2026 (PDF)

No document is perfect. I am aware of this. Joining these and other available documents, taking into account the Vision of Slovenia 2050, there can be a great non-politically-oriented path forward. In line with people, in line with good leaders, towards a better world. Regardless which political option won the latest elections.

Let’s take action, each one following their own area of expertize. There are great times ahead of us. Find the following explanation how Slovenia created the vision. You can do it too. is already supporting the step forward. Respect.

Let’s look at current world challenges from above the clouds and solutions can be seen. Send me some more documents to add to the list. Be an active citizen. :)




Mihajel Kožuh
The Next Global Step

#mihajelkozuh: Enthusiast, explorer and life coach following the path of fullfillment, purpose and happiness. Sharing toughts, ideas and life journey insights.