Do we live in a time of crisis or an opportunity? Neither.

Mihajel Kožuh
The Next Global Step
4 min readMar 13, 2021


What’s the case?

The saviour

Majority of us do not know how to name it, how it might look like, but we all expect it to happen. A quantum leap. Hard to understand, illusive. Of course, we haven’t done it before, how could we know anything about it. We are all waiting for something to happen, just to end this stillmate of the moment. A cramp holding us in place, waiting to decide to flea or fight.

Let there be a saviour, let it reveal itself. Let it be in line with my personal beliefs, in line with society’s expectations. Let me have a choice at the next elections.

It is a well known mantra. Have practiced it myself as well. Looking for someone outside of me to guide me and make me happy, fullfilled, to give me a purpose to exist and wake up in the morning. To make me full of energy. Bring me a saviour.

The saviour arrived in the form of many different people throughout the history. The saviour always reflects the state of society. The needs of society. We are all familiar with the Second World War for example. Guidance in a form of self-respect, personal power, purpose, contribution was provided and later aboused to fight the war. There was an unknown agenda behind the public agenda.

The habits

Do not understand me wrong, there were great examples of saviours throughout the history. But if the society does not really elevate to a new level, starts living different habits, the past repeats itself immediately, when the saviour is gone. It is the same as various addictions we try to get rid of personally. If we haven’t really changed, we will fall back to where we started or even worse.

How should we proceed in order to prevent our habits from repeating such historical events?

The crisis

Covid crisis forced majority of us to stay at home. Many realized the most important basis for personal happiness is a happy home. Many realized their home environment is not supportive at all. On the contrary, it drains an additional energy from us. I am not referring to work we do at home, I am referring to energy we loose in personal relationships at home. These relationships take an energy away, instead replanishing us with a fresh one.

Neglecting our families for so many years. It hit us right in the face. We forgot about the parent’s responsibility to their children, to help elevate their thinking to a level higher then the one we started our own lives with. This way we lost the connection to our children, it will be hard to get it back. To repair the damage. We lost touch with our partner. Will it ever be restored?

The aftermath

The most difficult task to do during the crisis is to keep the relationships as they were. Some escaped to the office, regardless of the danger, once they understood what was coming at them. Rather to expose ourselves to infection, than to face the reality.

The ones not being able to escape to the office, decided to use a note: »Busy!«, »At work!«, »Do not disturb!«. Why are we so afraid of loosing a job? Are we afraid of loosing a status this job brings? Imagine if we wrote »Available to talk about anything.« What kind of difference this would make.

Some managed to do this, they have found the spark again. They rebuilded the family, their realtionships. The ones which were not too far gone. Some separated, moved away, terminated status quo. Removed themselves from harms way. I am sorry for the ones who were not able to do that and got themselves into an even worse situation, keeping the violence inside their homes. We do not hear these stories often.

The quantum leap

Allowing a quantum leap inside each of us, to find our our life’s purpose, make ourselves happy.

What we need to ask ourselves is at what time we have lost the belief we can achieve anything we want in life. When did we start to believe we will not be happy if we loose the job we have at the moment?

Who are the people that will be there for you in the times of personal crisis, illness or after being fired from the job? Your family. A friend. Maybe some co-worker you managed to convert into a friend. That’s it. So why would we then neglect the ones most important to us?

The quantum leap represents finding the 3rd alternative to usually two opposite choises in any moment. Inventing a win-win situation and deny compromise. In compromise their is always a loose-loose or loose-win feeling. Compromise is an excuse not to make a quantum leap in you life.

The courage is always the first step

The 3rd alternative allows you to live in line with your own beliefs. Finding courage inside of you to choose this way and make a life out of it. I choose to make my own path and I choose to be happy at the end of my life, not regreating playing it safe, unfullfilled.

Miha Kožuh,
April 2020



Mihajel Kožuh
The Next Global Step

#mihajelkozuh: Enthusiast, explorer and life coach following the path of fullfillment, purpose and happiness. Sharing toughts, ideas and life journey insights.