Coming together to tackle wildfire consequences

Mihajel Kožuh
The Next Global Step
2 min readAug 8, 2022


In summer of 2022 Slovenia faced the largest ever recorded wildfire in our recorded history. It started when lightning bolt hit the schorched dry grass. The rest is a story of heart-breakining events.

Since I remember, this is the first time so many people are worried about the nature and not economic consequences. During Covid, recent real-estate crisis and such events people figured out economic system will survive. But the nature might not. At least not in an expected kind of way. The way humans expect from it. :)

As a part of the people looking at ways how to help nature recover, I came across a great project available in Slovenia, called Treecelet. It is a social company, conscious business, which mission statement is to help remedy the consequences of people presence on planet Earth.

Therefore I have decided to support them first of all to lower the carbon footprint my houseold is producing. Global change starts with an individual doing the change. This way I help re-forest Amazonia.

Next to that, they added additional benefit to this approach, all profits of such kind of efforts will be re-invested into re-forestation of slovenian Carst region, hit by this tremendous fire.

I also volunteered to help to plant those trees wihch will be the basis for the future of slovenian Carst region. Thank you Treecelet, for making this possible.

Join me on Treecelet vision to re-plant all trees put down by people only considering money profit.

Find more at



Mihajel Kožuh
The Next Global Step

#mihajelkozuh: Enthusiast, explorer and life coach following the path of fullfillment, purpose and happiness. Sharing toughts, ideas and life journey insights.